Marc Hütt studied physics in Göttingen and Paris and received his PhD in Göttingen in 1997. Following longer research stays in Novosibirsk, Paris, Warsaw and Darmstadt, he became an Assistant Professor of Theoretical Biology and Bioinformatics in 2001 at Darmstadt University of Technology. In 2006 he moved to Jacobs University in Bremen, accepting a Professorship in Computational Systems Biology.
From 2000 to 2005 he was a member of “Die Junge Akademie” (an institution founded by Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften and Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina). Since 2019 he is a member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts.
Among his research interests is the development of mathematical tools for analyzing biological pattern formation, the analysis and modeling of large-scale statistical properties of genomes, as well as studying the link between topology and dynamics in biological networks.
He uses methods from nonlinear dynamics, the theory of complex networks and information theory, in order to analyze biological systems.
In particular, he has developed and applied network-based data analysis methods to metabolomics, proteomics and transcriptomics data.
@article{Hiesmayr_Hütt_2024, abstractnote = {<p>A recent trend in mathematical modelling is to publish the computer code together with the research findings. Here we explore the formal question, whether and in which sense a computer implementation is distinct from the mathematical model. We argue that, despite the convenience of implemented models, a set of implicit assumptions is perpetuated with the implementation to the extent that even in widely used models the causal link between the (formal) mathematical model and the set of results is no longer certain. Moreover, code publication is often seen as an important contributor to reproducible research, we suggest that in some cases the opposite may be true. A new perspective on this topic stems from the accelerating trend that in some branches of research only implemented models are used, e.g., in artificial intelligence (AI). With the advent of quantum computers, we argue that completely novel challenges arise in the distinction between models and implementations.</p>}, author = {Hiesmayr, Beatrix C. and Hütt, Marc-Thorsten}, doi = {10.4081/peasa.26}, journal = {Proceedings of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts}, month = {Jun.}, title = {Is a mathematical model equivalent to its computer implementation?}, url = {}, volume = {3}, year = {2024} }
@article{messe2024binary, author = {Messé, Arnaud and Hütt, Marc-Thorsten and Hilgetag, Claus C}, journal = {bioRxiv}, pages = {2024--06}, publisher = {Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory}, title = {Binary Brains: How Excitable Dynamics Simplify Neural Connectomes}, year = {2024} }
@incollection{merten2024comparative, author = {Merten, Daniel Christopher and Hütt, Marc-Thorsten and Uygun, Yilmaz and Özgür, Atilla and Klein, Carsten Andreas}, booktitle = {Steel 4.0: digitalization in steel industry}, pages = {125--141}, publisher = {Springer}, title = {Comparative study of two genetic algorithms for steel production planning under different order backlog circumstances}, year = {2024} }
@article{lyutov2024machine, author = {Lyutov, Alexey and Uygun, Yilmaz and Hütt, Marc-Thorsten}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, number = {1}, pages = {21906}, publisher = {Nature Publishing Group UK London}, title = {Machine learning misclassification networks reveal a citation advantage of interdisciplinary publications only in high-impact journals}, volume = {14}, year = {2024} }
@article{mendler2024microbiome, author = {Mendler, Isabella-Hilda and Drossel, Barbara and Hütt, Marc-Thorsten}, journal = {Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications}, pages = {129658}, publisher = {Elsevier}, title = {Microbiome abundance patterns as attractors and the implications for the inference of microbial interaction networks}, volume = {639}, year = {2024} }
@incollection{merten2024novel, author = {Merten, Daniel and Hütt, Marc-Thorsten and Uygun, Yilmaz and Özgür, Atilla and Klein, Carsten-Andreas}, booktitle = {Steel 4.0: Digitalization in Steel Industry}, pages = {167--187}, publisher = {Springer}, title = {Novel genetic algorithm for simultaneous scheduling of two distinct steel production lines}, year = {2024} }
@article{falk2024nucleation, author = {Falk, Johannes and Eichler, Edwin and Windt, Katja and Hütt, Marc-Thorsten}, journal = {The European Physical Journal B}, number = {11}, pages = {187}, publisher = {Springer}, title = {Nucleation transitions in polycontextural networks toward consensus}, volume = {97}, year = {2024} }
@article{popova2024perturbation, author = {Popova, Mariia and Hilgetag, Claus C and Hütt, Marc-Thorsten}, journal = {Physical Review E}, number = {5}, pages = {054406}, publisher = {APS}, title = {Perturbation therapies for neurodegenerative disorders: How attractors of excitable networks can help}, volume = {110}, year = {2024} }
@article{merten2024threshold, author = {Merten, Daniel Christopher and Lesne, Annick and Uygun, Yilmaz and Hütt, Marc-Thorsten}, journal = {Frontiers in Industrial Engineering}, pages = {1353531}, publisher = {Frontiers Media SA}, title = {Threshold-impeded stochastic production: how noise interacts with disruptive thresholds to affect the production output in fluctuating environments}, volume = {2}, year = {2024} }
@article{kosmidis2023dna, author = {Kosmidis, Kosmas and Hütt, Marc-Thorsten}, journal = {Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications}, pages = {129043}, publisher = {Elsevier}, title = {DNA visibility graphs}, volume = {626}, year = {2023} }